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The Beginning

Written in


Hi there, welcome to my blog. I finally decided to start this, makes me anxious to have people reading this. Frankly considered using ChatGPT to write this but decided against it. I would like this blog to be sort of a personal diary of things going on with me both professionally and personally (not all the way personal though). Typing this out reminds me when I used to read novels in high school, a time when my imagination ran wild and I could imagine things like never before.

I hope to make this blog something of a weekly thing. Documenting my thoughts and actions through the week as I win small victories and also learn from my many failures. In the meantime, a little bit about me. I would like to say I am a curious minded nerd and an avid consumer of a lot of things. It’s kind of both a negative and a positive I guess depending on what I am consuming in the moment. I am currently in the beginning stages of my software engineering journey but lately I feel the pull into the hardware side of things. I am inspired by people like Elon Musk, Rintaro Okabe, Nikolai Tesla, Henry Ford and other such inventors. Leaving all that aside, let me take the time to at least summarise my first week.

Week so far

  • Started AWS bootcamp being taught by Andrew Brown and friends
  • Still doing my boot.dev program to better enhance my backend developer skills
  • Published my first blog post
  • Work as usual
